6 World Language Online Courses Offered by Florida Virtual School
6 World Language Online Courses Offered by Florida Virtual School
By: Hailey Fitch, Communications Manager, Florida Virtual School
Do you have aspirations to travel the world one day? Are you interested in having a career that requires you to speak multiple languages? Well, you’ve come to the right place! At Florida Virtual School (FLVS), we have more than 20 world language courses ranging from introductory Spanish to honors Chinese. You may ask yourself, “with that many online language courses, how will I choose?” We’re here to help! Here are six world languages you didn’t know you could take online with FLVS.
Did you know the second most spoken language in the world is Mandarin Chinese with 1.1 billion speakers? Analysts predict that China will become the world’s leading economy by 2050, which means the language will become even more crucial in the international business world.
So, what does this mean for you? It means that if you decide to take Chinese online language courses it may be beneficial for your future career! We offer Chinese 1, 2, and 3 Honors high school level courses. Students in other grades can also take the courses if they meet the requirements.
- In Chinese 1, you’ll learn conversation elements in Mandarin Chinese, including greetings, introductions, and the exchange of basic information using authentic materials.
- You’ll strengthen your skills in Chinese 2 through listening, speaking, reading, and writing while experiencing the beauty and expressiveness of the language shared by different people and cultures worldwide.
- In the interactive Chinese 3 Honors course, you’ll explore the tastes, sights, and sounds of Chinese culture and their dynamic people. Throughout, you’ll improve your language fluency, vocabulary, and writing skills through research-based projects.
American Sign Language
According to the National Institute of Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, American Sign Language (ASL) is the primary language for many North Americans who are deaf and hard of hearing and is used by some hearing people as well. While the beginnings of ASL are hard to trace back, the formal language education started in 1817.

Learning ASL offers many benefits and marketable skills – from making you a better communicator to improving abstract thinking and hand/eye coordination. We offer American Sign Language 1 and 2 high school level courses that include more than 800 videos, a video practice tool, and more. Students in other grades can also take the courses if they meet the requirements.
- In our American Sign Language 1 course, you’ll learn the basics of the visual language and the Deaf culture through connections and comparisons to your own community.
- In the second course, American Sign Language 2, you’ll revisit the fundamental skills you’ve already learned and continue your journey by increasing your interpretive and communication skills.
As one of the oldest languages in the world, Latin can be traced back to 75 BC. It was the primary language spoken by Roman scholars and philosophers, including Marcus Aurelius and Cicero. Latin 1, 2 and 3 Honors are high school level courses that are offered through our FLVS Flex option. Students in other grades can also take the courses if they meet the requirements.
- If you’re a fan of Roman history, Latin 1 is the course for you! While you develop a foundation in grammar and vocabulary, you will also learn about the history, culture, myths, and archaeological discoveries of ancient Rome.
- Latin 2 will build upon your knowledge of grammar and vocabulary while exploring Roman engineering, art, commerce, and its system of laws to demonstrate the flexibility of the language.
- In the Latin 3 Honors course, you’ll strengthen your skills and develop an appreciation for well-crafted writing by reading the timeless words of Roman poets, storytellers, and orators to discover why Latin and those who speak it are still relevant today.

Fun fact: around the world, approximately 9 million people speak Hebrew. Most speakers live in Israel, but about 220,000 live in the United States. Hebrew was spoken in ancient times in Palestine and is the only successful large-scale example of linguistic revival. Hebrew 1 and 2 are high school level courses that are offered through our FLVS option. Students in other grades can also take the courses if they meet the requirements.
- In Hebrew 1 you’ll be immersed in the beauty of the language and the richness of its diverse cultures. Plus, you’ll learn basic grammar and vocabulary skills to help build your fluency and language proficiency.
- Hebrew 2 will allow you to strengthen your listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills while experiencing the expressiveness of the language using authentic materials.
I don’t know about you, but visiting France is on my bucket list! With that in mind, it’s probably time that I learned more about the language and key vocabulary terms. The good news – you can start preparing for your trip now as we offer French 1, 2 and 3 Honors high school level courses. Students in other grades can also take the courses if they meet the requirements.
- In French 1, you will learn introductory grammar and vocabulary skills to help build your basic fluency and language proficiency. You will then apply what you learn through written practice, listening, and speaking exercises.
- You will expand your listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in French 2 through interactive videos, dialogues, and self-checks. You’ll also learn how to discuss activities in the past, future, and conditional tenses.
- In French 3 Honors, you’ll continue your journey by diving deeper into the francophone culture and applying what you learn through reading, writing, listening, and speaking activities.
According to Rosetta Stone, Spanish speakers make up 7.5% of the world’s population, and it’s the fourth most spoken language after English, Mandarin, and Hindi. Plus, the Census Bureau estimates that more than 41 million people speak Spanish in the United States. Spanish is also the only online language course we offer elementary, middle, and high school students – so you can start learning as young as five-years-old!

Elementary Courses
- We offer five Spanish courses for our elementary students. These courses are based on proficiency rather than grade level and are as follows: introductory, level 1, level 2, level 3, level 4, and level 5. Each level of Spanish builds on the previous level and is set in a new and exciting Spanish-speaking country. Throughout each course, you’ll be introduced to the Spanish language and culture through vocabulary, songs, stories, videos, and more, while meeting the famous Mexican artist Frida Kahlo and the story of Araña Pequeñita.
Middle School Courses
- There are two Spanish courses for middle schoolers: M/J Spanish Beginning and M/J Spanish Intermediate. These courses are not eligible for high school credits.
High School Courses
- In Spanish 1, you’ll learn basic grammar and vocabulary skills, explore the culture of Spanish-speaking countries and apply your learning through practice.
- Throughout Spanish 2, you’ll strengthen your listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills while experiencing the beauty and expressiveness of language.
- Spanish 3 Honors is an interactive course that explores tastes, sights, and sounds of Hispanic cultures. You will reflect on the triumphs, struggles, and celebrations of their dynamic peoples.
- In Spanish 4 Honors, you’ll expand your language skills by meeting, speaking to, and hearing real people’s stories to better understand your role as a global citizen.
As you plan for next school year, I hope you consider these world language courses. Whether you choose Chinese, ASL, Spanish, French, Latin, or Hebrew, learning a new language will improve your memory, give you a longer attention span, and give you a broader perspective of the world.
For families interested in enrolling in individual online language courses any time of the year, FLVS Flex is open year-round at flvs.net/enroll.
About the author: Hailey Fitch is a Communications Manager for FLVS and FlexPoint, dedicated to telling the stories of our students, families, and the schools and districts we work with to showcase the positive impact of online learning. When she isn't busy writing, you can find her obsessing over superheroes and planning her next travel adventure.