School Safety Resources

School Safety
Florida Virtual School commits to maintaining and enhancing the safety and emotional well-being of students and staff by combining the use of technology and personnel to ensure that our virtual schools and worksites are secure and protected. We believe that our students, families, staff, and community are key partners in keeping our schools safe.
What Can Parents Do to Ensure Student Safety
Just as our district and schools have safety plans that are reviewed and updated regularly, parents need to review their emergency plans as well.
- Be sure that updated emergency contact information is on file in your child’s school. This is particularly important if you have had a change in phone numbers or email addresses.
- Be sure the school has the current information about your caregiver/guardian.
- Be sure your child knows what to do/where to go if there is an emergency and no one is at home.
- Be sure your child knows how to reach you at all times.
- Talk to your child about personal safety.
- Teach your child how to recognize danger signals.
- Communicate with your student’s school counselor or HR Teacher if there is a concern regarding student safety or mental wellness.
- Discuss Cyber Safety with your student.
- Encourage your student, if they “see something, say something”.
- Remember, always call 911 in an emergency.
Safety Reporting Tools

Students, educators, parents or members of the public can report school safety concerns directly to law enforcement and school administrators anonymously through the FortifyFL app or The app is available for download on Apple and Android devices.

Speak Out
See something, say something. Anonymously report any threatening behavior that endangers you, your friends, your family, your campus, or your community through the Speak Out Hotline.

Anonymous Reporting Form
If you have information that you would prefer to report anonymously, please fill out the following form to the best of your knowledge and submit.
Safety Documents