District Resources

Our District Resources provide Florida school counselors and administrators with helpful information and tools to help students succeed with Florida Virtual School (FLVS). We encourage you to bookmark this page and come back often.
If you are not currently affiliated with Florida Virtual School, explore online learning solutions for your school or district. If you are a private school, learn how to affiliate with FLVS.
Scholarship Recipients:
Do you have students applying for, being awarded, or do they intend to apply for a school choice scholarship? (Note: Charges will apply to courses the student is enrolled in and/or registered for at the time the scholarship becomes effective.)
Scholarship recipients enrolled in FLVS courses may be responsible for tuition and direct payment to Florida Virtual School. Read important information about scholarships here.
Please note that FLVS is a choice for all Florida public school students per the Florida K-20 Education Code (s.1002.20). See also, the Public School Terms of Use.
How-to Resources
These resources provide a variety of information designed to help school personnel. Learn how to use your Florida Virtual School account, ways to monitor your students’ progress, how to access official documents, and more. Find the answers you need here!
Setting Up Your Account
Tips and Tools for Using your Account
Monitoring Student Progress
Student Transcripts
Need Further Assistance?
Frequently Asked QuestionsHelp Center
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