Digital Learning Labs
Students Can:
- Supplement course load
- Get ahead with AP courses
- Earn a CTE certification
- Take advantage of credit recovery*
*FLVS courses used for credit recovery maintain the integrity and rigor of traditional FLVS courses; students are still required to complete 100% of the coursework for the semester and cannot exempt work.
Schools Can:
- Reduce classroom size
- Maintain live instruction
- Increase course offerings
- Offer new ways to engage students
- Access teachers who are subject matter experts
- Receive 1:1 support from teachers who have extensive training in online education

What You Need to Know
Florida Virtual School provides ongoing support from highly qualified, state-certified teachers, a Blended Learning Specialist, and other FLVS support staff. FLVS also provides training for school facilitators, counselors, and school administration.
The school provides students with computer access and other technology required for FLVS courses, phone access for FLVS teacher-student phone calls, and a dedicated lab facilitator to monitor students. Lab facilitators are not required to have teacher certification. Their role is to assist and encourage students in their course progress. Access to school counselors is also required for training and communications from FLVS.
Getting Started
School Personnel: To set up a Digital Learning Lab at your school, complete the form below to connect with an FLVS District Relations Manager.
To be completed by School Personnel Only. Students and parents needing further assistance should contact FLVS Customer Care.