County Virtual School Enrollment

How to Enroll in your County’s Virtual School
We're glad you have decided to enroll in your county’s virtual school! The steps below are what you can expect as you go through the enrollment process.
If you ever get stuck or need help, please reach out to your county’s virtual school.
Already know the process?
Step 1: Review Requirements
Please review the following requirements prior to signing up for courses.
The student must be a legal resident in the state of Florida.
- Students should check with their county virtual school for any age restrictions.
- Exceptional Education Students (ESE) who have not earned a standard diploma remain eligible for educational services through the end of the school year in which they become 22 years old. (IDEA.97-300.121(a))
Students must have successfully completed any required prerequisites for the course in which they are enrolling. Prerequisites will be listed for each course during registration.
Students must have access to the following:
- Computer (view system requirements)
- Internet Service
- Telephone
Step 2 : Pick Courses
Select your courses in the registration system.Any courses successfully completed with your county's virtual school will be on your official academic record and will not need to be taken again at another school.
Download printable step-by-step registration instructions (PDF).
Step 3: Ensure Courses are Approved
In order to be placed with a teacher and start a course, all courses must be approved!
When enrolling in your county’s virtual school, your school counselor will need to verify and approve your course selections.
Please note: Because FLVS is not the school of record, FLVS is not able to approve course selections in place of your school.
Please note: Because FLVS is not the school of record, FLVS is not able to approve course selections in place of your school.
Step 4: Check Course Status
Once courses have been approved, you will be assigned teachers and placed into your courses by your county's virtual school. This placement process will begin on the preferred start date you selected during registration.
log in to VSA to check course status!