Flex Enrollment

How to Enroll
We're glad you have decided to enroll in FLVS Flex! The steps below are what you can expect as you go through the enrollment process.
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Scholarship Recipients:
Has this student applied for, been awarded, or do they intend to apply for a school choice scholarship? (Note: Charges will apply to courses the student is enrolled in and/or registered for at the time the scholarship becomes effective.)
Scholarship recipients enrolled in FLVS courses may be responsible for tuition and direct payment to Florida Virtual School. Read important information here.Step 1 – Review Requirements
Please review the following requirements prior to signing up for courses.
Students enrolling in Kindergarten must be 5 years old on or before September 1 in the school year for which they are enrolling.
Students enrolling in Grade 1 must be 6 years old on or before September 1 in the school year for which they are enrolling and must have successfully completed a Kindergarten program.
Students can enroll through age 19 but must complete their courses before age 21.
Those in the Exceptional Student Education (ESE) program who have not earned a standard diploma remain eligible for educational services through the end of the school year in which they become 22 years old. (IDEA.97-300.121(a))
- Computer (view system requirements)
- Internet Service
- Telephone
A Letter of Intent to Home School needs to be filed with the school district that you reside in prior to enrolling in our courses. Contact your Home Education District Contacts (fldoe.org) for assistance.
Personalized Education Program (PEP) scholarship recipients must register as “Private School” student type in the Admissions and Registration process.
Please review the following information carefully to determine if your child meets the requirements for summer enrollment in Flex Elementary School.
- Public school students may enroll in Flex Elementary courses if they have been approved by their school of record for acceleration. The school of record verifies the course(s) to acknowledge it is both academically appropriate and FTE will be received by FLVS. FLVS may serve as an acceleration option for students.
- Public school students may enroll in Flex Elementary Computer Science or Spanish as an enrichment option. Students may enroll in courses throughout the year.
- Public school students who successfully completed a grade level and were promoted may not enroll in FLVS courses in the summer if the student will be enrolled in the same courses in the school of record the following fall.
- Public school students who did not pass a subject or grade level may enroll if the school of record requests the student retake a course(s) with Flex Elementary during summer for promotion consideration. If the student successfully completes the course(s), the promotion or retention decision falls on the school of record.
- FLVS cannot provide remediation in same grade level courses if the student has successfully completed those courses in a public school and was promoted to the next grade level. Upon promotion, a student may not re-enroll in the previous grade level.
Step 2 – Pick Courses
Select your courses in the K-5 or 6-12 registration system. Any courses successfully completed with Florida Virtual School will be on your official academic record and will not need to be taken again at another school.
Enroll in Grades K-5 Enroll in Grades 6-12 Registration InstructionsStep 3 – Verify Florida Residency
Upload proof of residency document through your Florida Virtual School student dashboard. All proof of residency documents must be uploaded to the student’s VSA account (homeschool and private school students only).
Elementary parents: Use the log-in credentials created during registration
Middle/High parents: Create parent/guardian account
Once Florida residency is verified, parents can approve the courses and students will be placed with teachers.
Personalized Education Program (PEP) scholarship recipients must register as “Private School” student type in the Admissions and Registration process.
Step 4 – Ensure Courses are Approved
In order to be placed with a teacher and start a course, all courses must be approved.
Parents/guardians will log in to VSA and approve course selections.
Elementary parents: Use the log-in credentials created during registration
Middle/High parents: Create parent/guardian account
Personalized Education Program (PEP) scholarship recipients must register as “Private School” student type in the Admissions and Registration process.
Step 5 – Check Course Status
Once courses have been approved, you will be assigned teachers and placed into your courses. This placement process will begin on the preferred start date you selected during registration. Please log in to VSA to check course status.
Step 6 – Get Ready…and Go!
After you are placed in your courses, teachers will reach out about scheduling a welcome call, sharing important information about the course, the Florida Virtual School experience, and to get to know you. Please note that you do not need to wait for the welcome call to start working in a course. As soon as you are placed, you have access to begin.Enroll Today
Our Kindergarten Experience
See what online learning is really like by starting with this detailed breakdown of our Kindergarten program. We’ll walk you through the weekly time commitment, average number of assignments, types of activities you will encounter in our courses, and more.