School Social Work
School social workers are the link between the school, home, and community. As members of the educational team comprised of teachers, administrators, other student services staff, and parents, school social workers promote and support students' academic and social success by providing specialized services.
Services Include:- Student and Family Engagement
- Support groups
- Advocacy for students, parents, and the school system
- Social-developmental assessments
- Attendance Education and Truancy Compliance
- Interagency-Foster Care
- Collaboration with other school personnel, community agencies, and organizations
- Counseling
- Crisis Prevention and Intervention
- Case Management
- Parent Education
- McKinney Vento Homeless Education Act Support
- Information and referral services that match the needs with available resources
Social Workers support parents and students by:
- Encouraging more participation in their children's education
- Identifying and meeting their children's social and emotional needs
- Accessing programs available to students with special needs
- Promoting more effective use of school and community resources
- Assisting in the understanding of school policies and procedures
Social Workers help students:
- Cope with crisis situations
- Improve attendance
- Maximize educational opportunities and academic success
- Learn problem-solving and decision-making skills
- Monitor Academic Success and Promote High School Completion