Academic Integrity

A Core Value
Academic integrity is a core value and universal expectation at Florida Virtual School (FLVS). Students with academic integrity make decisions based on ethics and values that will prepare them to be productive and ethical citizens.

What is Academic Integrity
Academic integrity means…
- Your work on each assignment will be completely your own.
- The ideas and the writing of others are properly cited.
- You will not practice plagiarism in any form.
- You will not allow others to copy your work.
Additional Information
This paper explains the tools we use in dealing with integrity, definitions, roles and responsibilities of all parties along with the matrix of integrity interventions. Please download and save this document for future reference.
All students sign the “I Agree” page during course registration in which the student agrees to abide by the policies and procedures of FLVS. Included in FLVS policies is the administration of proctored exams. Proctored exams can be requested by FLVS at any time and for any reason in an effort to ensure academic integrity. It is the student’s responsibility to work cooperatively with FLVS faculty to schedule and take the exam. When taking the exam to assess a student’s integrity, the exam must be passed with at least a 59.5% on the first attempt for a student to be eligible for course credit. FLVS may institute a program to regularly administer proctored exams to randomly selected students.
Florida Virtual School students must document their adherence to the following policy upon registering as a student. The following serves as a reminder of the responsibilities of each student:
By registering as a student at Florida Virtual School (FLVS), I agree to submit 100% of my own work and I commit to Academic Integrity. As an FLVS student, I also agree to take a proctored exam at any time if requested. I understand that I may be required to have a web camera in order to complete this process. In addition, I agree that for any form of proctoring, I will need a picture ID. I also understand that should I finish the segment in an extremely accelerated pace, I may be subject to additional accountability measures. Failure to comply with the Academic Integrity commitment or refusing to take a proctored exam will be grounds for removal from the FLVS program. Further, I agree to comply with all of the policies and procedures listed in the FLVS district Student Progression Plan and FLVS Code of Conduct/Student Handbook, which is posted on my VSA Student dashboard and at
I hereby assign to FLVS all right, title and interest in and to all the material I submit to FLVS in conjunction with any course(s) I take with FLVS. All personally identifying information provided to FLVS will be maintained in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) and other applicable privacy laws.
Commercial Use of Academic Material: Selling course material to another person, student, entity, and/or uploading to a third-party vendor without the express written permission of FLVS is prohibited. Course materials include, but are not limited to, class notes, instructor's power points, course syllabi, tests, quizzes, labs, instruction sheets, homework, study guides, and handouts.
If you have any questions about proctored exams please contact the Academic Integrity Hotline at 407-513-3341 or 866-943-3050 (toll free).
Each teacher regularly conducts discussion-based assessments with his or her students. These conversations occur at specific intervals as well as randomly in a course and are included in the assessment component of each course. The teacher discusses individual student work and extends the conversation to allow the student to demonstrate mastery of the content and to verify the authenticity of the student’s work. Students are required to complete and pass all discussion-based assessments themselves, free from any distraction or influence of others. To ensure academic integrity, Individual Courses (FLVS Flex) students in grades 6-12 may be required to complete DBAs via an application using video and audio.
If you would like to report an academic integrity situation please call the following number or send an email to the address below. Please discuss as much of the following information as you are able: Student Name, Course Name, High School or County, Teacher Name and situation. We appreciate you taking the time to report this situation and assisting FLVS with Academic Integrity.
Academic Integrity Hotline:
407-513-3341 or 866-943-3050 (toll free)
Academic Integrity Email Address:
[email protected]