High Allied Health Assisting 3
Number of Credits
Estimated Completion Time
2 segments, 32-36 weeks
Earliest Start Date
March 2025
Pre Requisites
Anatomy and Physiology and Health Science Foundations
Do you have a passion for advocating for and improving the health and wellness of other people?
The medical profession includes more than just doctors, dentists, and nurses. Allied health assistants include professionals from many health disciplines, such as biomedicine, geriatrics, medical administrative assisting, and occupational and physical therapy. These professionals collaborate to advance and support quality health care and services. This allied health assisting course teaches students technical knowledge and skills of multiple allied health careers using demonstrations, clinical experiences, and inspirational testimonies from health professionals. Students who successfully complete this course will be equipped with the knowledge and professionalism necessary to provide patient-centered health care in the 21st century.
Join a workforce that is projected by labor statistics to grow by more than 19 million jobs in the next decade!
Follow the link below for the Department of Education Career & Technical Education Curriculum Frameworks:
This course requires students to complete a clinical rotation in at least one (1) major allied health area. Clinical experience is defined as activities performed in the clinical setting under the supervision of a health professional duly certified/licensed in the selected occupational field. With the support of a parent/guardian, students will be expected to make the necessary arrangements with the healthcare facility they choose and follow the procedures provided by the facility selected.
Segment 1
- identify allied health professions
- explain the role of an allied health assistant
- explain the role of a medical administrative assistant
- use medical terminology when describing major body systems
- explain how to use numerical, alphabetical, and terminal digit filing
- explain appropriate telephone etiquette for medical and hospital settings
- use computer systems to input or retrieve patient information
- list procedures for scheduling and referring patients
- describe the process for admitting walk-in and emergency patients
- interpret information on a patient’s insurance card
- explain important financial terms and procedures used in medical offices
- identify and explain the function of various types of medical records
- Understand the importance of medical coding
- Explain the security of different types of medical records
- explain the responsibilities of a physical therapist and a PT aid
- describe the pathway and education requirements for physical therapy aid
- identify the different types of disabilities and injuries treated with physical therapy
- recognize the allied health professional's legal and ethical responsibility to protect patients
- describe short and long-term goals and how they relate to the patient’s progress
- describe the bones and muscles that are commonly targeted during PT
- Identify the anatomical position and terminology assistant
- demonstrate the proper positioning of the body during different therapies
- demonstrate techniques used in active and passive range of motion exercises
- describe the equipment used in physical therapy
- demonstrate an understanding of the use of physical therapy modalities
- describe the process of hydrotherapy
- perform safe body mechanics and transfer
- instruct patients in bed/wheelchair mobility
- describe and demonstrate the use of devices such as crutches, walkers, canes, and wheelchairs
- use communication skills appropriate to the OT field
- describe the role of an occupational therapist professional
- describe the equipment used in occupational therapy
- identify the purpose and function of augmented communication devices
- assist clients in eating using prompts
- demonstrate feeding and dressing skills using adaptive equipment
- demonstrate feeding and dressing skills using one hand
- identify activities related to daily living skills
- compare the function of x-rays by cassette, film, screen, and digital
- describe how radiation produces a digital image or an image on film
- identify the process by which x-ray film and digital x-rays are developed
- state precautions required during diagnostic tests
- verify a requisition order for a patient diagnostic test
- explain the role and process of splint-making
- perform and instruct range of motion exercises
- use common occupational therapy vocabulary
- educate the client in activities of daily living skills
Segment 2
- identify the physical and emotional effects of aging and ways to deal with them.
- identify different types of long-term care facilities
- recognize different levels of patient care
- understand the legislation that impacts long-term care
- recognize stages of dementia
- explain how to care for patients during each stage of dementia
- discuss common therapy options for patients with dementia
- explain the importance of providing prompt attendance to elderly patients' needs
- provide a safe environment in order to prevent falls and infections in elderly patients
- describe ways to meet the nutritional needs of elderly and chronically ill patients
- describe common chronic illnesses of the elderly
- describe the effects of common medications prescribed to the elderly
- describe common respiratory illnesses and treatments
- show the use of a pulse oximeter and discuss when it should be used
- recognize normal breath sounds using a stethoscope
- describe the use of oxygen flow-regulating equipment
- distinguish between different oxygen delivery devices and when to use each
- understand how to check emergency respiratory equipment
- demonstrate and discuss the use of incentive spirometers
- recognize normal and abnormal monitoring
- recognize cardiac emergency
- check patient skin integrity and take action when needed
- explain the procedures for providing end-of-life care
- discuss appropriate ways of dealing with the effects of aging
- discuss the specialty areas within the laboratory and biomedicine
- classify lab testing as waived, moderate complexity, or high complexity
- explain the levels and qualifications for testing personnel
- identify hazardous lab conditions
- discuss ways to handle, store, and dispose of hazardous materials
- use problem-solving to maintain a safe work environment
- identify common laboratory equipment and the function of each
- identify proper lab sterilization and packaging techniques
- explain the steps needed to practice asepsis in the laboratory
- prepare solutions and reagents for lab use
- perform waived testing on urine
- report the results of urinalysis, including specific gravity
- document lab results accurately
- describe the process of preparing blood smears
- perform waived testing on blood
- describe the process of a venipuncture
- discuss genetic engineering skills
- explain how to culture and perform bioassays
- identify common microorganisms
- discuss testing methods and inspection procedures related to quality control
- research regulatory bodies of laboratory and biomedicine
- describe the different types of research facilities
- discuss the environmental conditions of different research facilities
Student-Supplied Lab Materials:
·Presentation software such as PowerPoint or Google Slides
·Video recording device
·Any cell phone or video recording device will suffice
·A volunteer "patient"
·Access to a mobility device such as a cane, crutches, walker, or a wheelchair (If you do not have these items, you may use substitute items of similar size and shape.)
·A bed or another similar flat surface
·A sturdy chair
Besides engaging students in challenging curriculum, the course guides students to reflect on their learning and evaluate their progress through a variety of assessments. Assessments can be in the form of practice lessons, multiple choice questions, writing assignments, projects, research papers, oral assessments, and discussions. This course will use the state-approved grading scale. Each course contains a mandatory final exam or culminating project that will be weighted at 20% of the student’s overall grade.***
***Proctored exams can be requested by FLVS at any time and for any reason in an effort to ensure academic integrity. When a proctored exam is administered to assess a student’s integrity, the student must pass the exam with at least a 59.5% to earn credit for the course.
Courses subject to availability.
Pursuant to s. 1002.20, F.S.; A public school student whose parent makes written request to the school principal shall be exempted from the teaching of reproductive health or any disease, including HIV/AIDS, in accordance with the provisions of s. 1003.42(3). Learn more about the process and which courses contain subject matter where an exemption request can be made.