High Chinese 3
Number of Credits
Estimated Completion Time
2 segments/32-36 weeks
Earliest Start Date
March 2025
Pre Requisites
Chinese 1 and 2
Continue your journey in the exploration of the Chinese language and the richness of its diverse cultures. In the Chinese 3 Honors course, you will sharpen the increased listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills you acquired in Chinese 1 and 2. Communication remains the main focus through speaking, listening, writing, and reading. You will dive a little deeper into the Chinese culture and apply what you learn through written practice, listening activities, and speaking exercises.
Follow the link below for the Department of Education description for this course:
- Identify and use feelings, greetings, and phone, email, and text expressions when communicating with a friend making, rescheduling, and canceling appointments, asking for a favor, accepting or rejecting doing a favor, inviting, accepting, or rejecting an invitation vocabulary.
- Identify Chinese slang use in text or internet communications.
- Identify phone appointments, asking for favors, and RSVP etiquette.
- Identify idiomatic expressions on feelings.
- Compare and contrast dating traditions from the Chinese culture and in the United States.
- Identify and use preparing for an event, chores, sequence of events, shopping, clothes, food, decorations, destination events, and traveling vocabulary.
- Compare and contrast sitting arrangements and gifting traditions from the Chinese culture and in the United States.
- Identify appetizers around the world.
- Identify and use transportation, sports, community events, and volunteering vocabulary.
- Compare common modes of transportation from the Chinese culture and in the United States.
- Identify traditional sports and athletes from China.
- Compare different Chinatowns around the world.
- Identify and use question words.
- Identify and use cultural life, music, dance, art, and literature vocabulary.
- Identify issues in music, dance, arts, and literature.
- Identify traditional instruments, meaning of music, traditional music, musicians, dancers, the history of dance, folk dance, artists, calligraphy, watercolor paint, architecture, writers, poems, and different forms of literature from the Chinese culture.
- Identify and use famous lives, food, exploration, science and inventions, and history vocabulary.
- Identify food, culinary contributions, culinary fusion, chefs, dynasty cuisine, traditional food, explorers, contributions from explorers, historical figures, historical contributions, scientist and inventors, and scientific contributions from the Chinese culture.
- Identify areas of interest to build a résumé, skills or characteristics needed to find a job, interview, application and résumé, adjectives, and career vocabulary.
- Identify parental role when choosing a major, stereotypes in education, and traditions when going to an interview from the Chinese culture.
- Identify etiquette for a job interview.
- Identify and use question words.
Microphone, speakers or headset, device of choice to record video with audio—Chrome browser suggested
Besides engaging students in challenging curriculum, the course guides students to reflect on their learning and evaluate their progress through a variety of assessments. Assessments can be in the form of practice lessons, multiple choice questions, writing assignments, projects, research papers, oral assessments, and discussions. This course will use the state-approved grading scale. Each course contains a mandatory final exam or culminating project that will be weighted at 20% of the student’s overall grade.***
***Proctored exams can be requested by FLVS at any time and for any reason in an effort to ensure academic integrity. When taking the exam to assess a student’s integrity, the exam must be passed with at least a 59.5% in order to earn credit for the course.
Courses subject to availability.
Pursuant to s. 1002.20, F.S.; A public school student whose parent makes written request to the school principal shall be exempted from the teaching of reproductive health or any disease, including HIV/AIDS, in accordance with the provisions of s. 1003.42(3). Learn more about the process and which courses contain subject matter where an exemption request can be made.