High French 2
Number of Credits
Estimated Completion Time
2 segments / 32-36 weeks
Earliest Start Date
March 2025
Pre Requisites
French 1
In this course, you will reinforce the fundamental skills you acquired in French 1, and increase your listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in French. Like many French explorers, you too, will set sail and visit the French territories overseas and learn about the geography, foods, homes, celebrations, and traditions from each place. While you continue your journey as a French pioneer, you will be able to exchange information with others about your home, family, activities, life habits, traveling, and future plans. All aboard! On y va!
Follow the link below for the Department of Education description for this course:
- Interpret information about your home, describe the French Antilles, use correct sounds and accents, review the -er, -ir, and -re verbs and irregular verbs (être, avoir, faire, aller, sortir, partir, prendre), and use the present imperative and negative form of the imperative of regular and irregular verbs.
- Interpret information about activities around the house, describe the history of Martinique & Guadeloupe, compare chores around the house in different parts of the francophone world and the United States, and use stem-changing verbs and commands with stem-changing verbs with sortir and partir and with the verb mettre.
- Interpret information about the relative location of elements in the house, describe the typical interior of the homes in the Antilles and other francophone countries, and describe typical fabric patterns found in the DROM TOM. Use possessive adjectives and possessive with de, the expressions c'est à moi, c'est à toi, c'est à lui, and adjective agreement and position.
- Interpret information about getting around within the house and typical things you would do around the house, describe St. Martin and Saint Barthélémy and tourism, use numbers and ordinal numbers, and use the irregular verbs vivre and voir.
- Interpret information about morning routines, describe typical French Polynesian outfits, makeup, hairdos, and accessories, and use reflexive verbs in the singular and plural.
- Interpret information about school and time expressions, describe the university track and technical higher education in France and the school system in French Polynesia. Use verbs like prendre, comprendre, and apprendre, and use question formation, question words, intonations, and inversion.
- Interpret information about after-school activities, describe the Polynesian after-school activities and working as a teenager in France, and use negative expressions and adverbs in the affirmative and negative.
- Interpret information about evening routines, describe the islands of French Polynesia, use the negative with reflexive verbs, and use reflexive verbs with commands.
- Interpret information about activities and good habits, describe la Réunion and the activities in the island, use irregular verbs courir & boire, and use the expression il faut...and the verb devoir.
- Interpret information about visiting the doctor's office, describe famous French discoveries in the medical field and medicinal plants from La Reunion Island and alternative medicine, use contractions, avoir mal à…, and pouvoir and vouloir.
- Interpret information about going to the hospital, describe typical children's games in France, compare and contrast pharmacies in France vs. the United States, and use direct object pronouns and indirect object pronouns.
- Interpret information about food, describe typical fruit and vegetables in the French islands, use pronouns y and en, and use quantity and negative w/de.
- Interpret information about activities around the house, describe la Guyane and famous French comics, and use the regular and irregular imperfect.
- Interpret information about places for vacations and activities during vacations, describe school vacations in France/and as a professional, describe Les châteaux de la Loire, and use stem-changing verbs in the imperfect and negative in the imperfect.
- Interpret information about activities and staying occupied, describe the importance of la Guyane and French technological innovations, use expressions that trigger the imperfect, and use weather expressions in the present and weather expressions in the imperfect.
- Interpret information about celebrations and holidays, describe holidays in France and the DROM-TOM, use the imperfect with Weather, Age, Time/Date (WAT) and with Emotions, Repeated/ongoing action/, Setting the scene (ERS).
- Interpret information about going to the beach and items you take with you, describe la Nouvelle Calédonie and what to do there (include geography) and famous people from la Nouvelle Calédonie / French islands, use passé compose with avoir and passé composé with the negative form and in questions.
- Interpret information about going to the mountains and items you take with you, describe a visit to the mountains and famous ski locations in France, tell about types of skiing, and use the passé composé with être.
- Interpret information about going to the countryside and items you take with you, describe a visit to the countryside with a focus on different French countryside locations, and explain who the NC tribes are, and use expressions that introduce the PC. Include il y a.
- Interpret information about animals you would come across during your travels to the beach, countryside, or mountains, describe animals and species in la NC, and use passé composé and the imperfect together.
- Interpret information about getting ready to travel, describe St. Pierre et Miquelon and clothing you need in a cold climate, use numbers from 1,000 to one million, and learn the format for writing numbers.
- Interpret information about while traveling, describe Les canaux de France (Canal du midi) and the local cuisine and its impact on the culinary world, use near future w/aller and regular future, and use prepositions of locations and prepositions with /city/state/country.
- Interpret information about post high school paths, describe Les programmes d'échange à l'université and Le programme civique obligatoire, use irregular future tense [être/avoir/aller/faire/venir] and irregular verbs [offrir/recevoir/apercevoir/écrire/lire] in the present.
- Interpret information about careers, describe minimum wage in the United States and France, describe vacations, retirements, CDI, and worker unions. Use c'est + noun vs. Il/Elle est + adjective (w/professions) and connaître/savoir in the present and past tenses.
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Besides engaging students in challenging curriculum, the course guides students to reflect on their learning and evaluate their progress through a variety of assessments. Assessments can be in the form of practice lessons, multiple choice questions, writing assignments, projects, research papers, oral assessments, and discussions. This course will use the state-approved grading scale. Each course contains a mandatory final exam or culminating project that will be weighted at 20% of the student’s overall grade.***
***Proctored exams can be requested by FLVS at any time and for any reason in an effort to ensure academic integrity. When taking the exam to assess a student’s integrity, the exam must be passed with at least a 59.5% in order to earn credit for the course.
Courses subject to availability.
Pursuant to s. 1002.20, F.S.; A public school student whose parent makes written request to the school principal shall be exempted from the teaching of reproductive health or any disease, including HIV/AIDS, in accordance with the provisions of s. 1003.42(3). Learn more about the process and which courses contain subject matter where an exemption request can be made.