High Physics 1
Number of Credits
Estimated Completion Time
2 segments / 32-36 weeks
Earliest Start Date
March 2025
Pre Requisites
Algebra 1 strongly recommended
In this course, students will be immersed in the contributions of scientific geniuses that have changed the way we observe and think about matter, forces, and energy in the universe. Starting with how matter moves, students will learn that all motion can be described, analyzed, and predicted. Then students will explore the causes of changing motion, forces! Energy is a fundamental property essential to human existence, and physics will take students through all the forms of it: electricity, light, sound, heat, and more. Discover how waves travel and interact with matter and the smallest particles in the universe. From tiny atoms to galaxies with millions of stars, the universal laws of physics are explained through real-world examples. Through laboratory activities, simulations, and graphical analysis, combined with rigorous mathematical efforts and problem solving, students follow in the footsteps of some of the world's greatest thinkers and learn to process their world in a unique way.
Follow the link below for the Department of Education description for this course:
Regular course description: http://www.cpalms.org/Public/PreviewCourse/Preview/13116
Honors course description: http://www.cpalms.org/Public/PreviewCourse/Preview/13117
Segment One
- Learn about the mathematical skills and measurement systems used in physics
- Interpret scientific data and model relationships between variables with graphs
- Differentiate between scalar and vector quantities
- Describe and use the relationship between distance, time, and speed
- Solve problems involving speed, velocity, and acceleration
- Compare accelerated motion to non-accelerated motion
- Analyze motion using various motion graphs
- Explore free fall motion by utilizing the acceleration due to gravity
- Interpret and apply Newton's laws of motion to real-world scenarios
- Compare the four fundamental forces of the universe
- Use mathematical models to compute gravitational and electrostatic forces
- Illustrate the interactions between forces and matter using force diagrams
- Describe the planetary motion and solve circular motion problems
- Apply the law of conservation of momentum to real-world scenarios
- Describe the forms of energy and energy transformations
- Solve problems involving work and power
- Explain the impact of conservative and non-conservative forces on energy conversions
- Solve problems involving the different forms of energy
Segment Two
- Identify the components of an electrical circuit
- Measure and calculate electrical fields
- Explore the relationship between electrical current and magnetism
- Describe how capacitors are used in electrical circuits and electronics
- Represent electrical circuits using a schematic model
- Apply Ohm's law to explore the impact of resistance in a circuit
- Model and measure simple harmonic motion
- Identify the parts of a wave and use wave measurement calculations
- Explain the different behaviors of waves when they interact with boundaries
- Construct ray diagrams and use the lens and mirror equation to analyze image formation
- Describe properties of waves and their applications in real-world phenomena
- Differentiate between temperature and heat
- Calculate heat transfer between a surrounding and a system
- Explore thermal equilibrium and the conservation of thermal energy
- Discover the contributions of scientists that led to the development of a model of the atom
- Describe the dual nature of light and the photoelectric effect
- Compare types of radiation and describe applications of radioactivity
- Explore the special theory of relativity and scientific explanations about the origin of the universe
Household items for lab explorations
Besides engaging students in challenging curriculum, the course guides students to reflect on their learning and evaluate their progress through a variety of assessments. Assessments can be in the form of practice lessons, multiple choice questions, writing assignments, projects, research papers, oral assessments, and discussions. This course will use the state-approved grading scale. Each course contains a mandatory final exam or culminating project that will be weighted at 20% of the student’s overall grade.***
***Proctored exams can be requested by FLVS at any time and for any reason in an effort to ensure academic integrity. When taking the exam to assess a student’s integrity, the exam must be passed with at least a 59.5% in order to earn credit for the course.
Courses subject to availability.
Pursuant to s. 1002.20, F.S.; A public school student whose parent makes written request to the school principal shall be exempted from the teaching of reproductive health or any disease, including HIV/AIDS, in accordance with the provisions of s. 1003.42(3). Learn more about the process and which courses contain subject matter where an exemption request can be made.