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October 23, 2023
FLVS Selected as Operator for Juvenile Detention Education Program
Florida’s Department of Juvenile Justice (DJJ) announced on Monday that it selected Florida Virtual School (FLVS) as the operating service provider for the Florida Scholars Academy (FSA), a system providing in-person instruction for incarcerated youths.
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August 4, 2023
E-Learning Success: Pro Tips for Optimal Learning
With 42% of graduate students preferring e-learning to traditional classrooms and more companies providing employee training online, it’s clear that the world is swiftly shifting towards online education sources. Though accelerated by the recent global circumstances, this trend shows no sign of slowing down due to the flexibility and convenience offered by e-learning.
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May 24, 2023
FLVS Launches AI Learning Pathways for High School Students
As the world races toward an artificial intelligence-driven future, Florida Virtual School unveils one of the first AI programs of study, a progression of industry-focused classes, for high school students. The first course, Artificial Intelligence in the World, is now open for enrollment.
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October 21, 2022
A Quarter Century Later, Catching Up With A Trailblazing Teacher
As Florida Virtual School (FLVS) celebrates its 25th Anniversary this year, what better way to showcase the amazing advancements in online learning than by chatting with 24-year FLVS teacher, Mary Mitchell?
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September 20, 2022
4 Ways a Big Online School is Engaging and Retaining its Teachers
Teacher shortages are at a crisis level. More than half of teachers say they’re thinking about quitting, according to a poll from the National Education Association. To help school and district leaders like yourself engage and retain teachers, we’ve put together a list of tactics and tips that have proven successful.
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March 14, 2022
The Pandemic has led to a Re-Evaluation of Alternative Forms of Florida Education
“The pandemic has shown that there’s a right way to do online education and emphasized what educators already know — that no student learns the same way, and we need to continue to adapt and evolve to address those needs,” said Dr. Louis Algaze, President and CEO of Florida Virtual School and FlexPoint. “With more than 20 years of experience teaching students online, I am very much looking forward to our team of educators providing even more parents, students, teachers, administrators, schools and beyond with the tools and resources they need to drive student success.”
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August 13, 2021
More Students Enrolled in Florida Virtual School This Year, Spokesperson Says
The number of students enrolled in the Florida Virtual School program has surpassed the total amount during the 2020-21 academic year, and officials expect the number to rise ahead of its first day of school.
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July 13, 2021
The Power of Remote Community: How Florida Virtual School Served as a Resource for the Nation
As we close the first full school year that many students attended virtually, reflecting on the successes and challenges learners and educators faced during the pandemic is essential to strengthen the education industry as cultural norms around the world continue to shift.
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May 3, 2021
Florida Virtual School Opens Enrollment for Summer and Fall 2021
With the end of the school year approaching and some local districts doing away with the distance learning options born out of the COVID-19 pandemic, parents are facing tough decisions.
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April 13, 2021
Don't want your kid back in the classroom next year? Here are some virtual school options
Raise your hand if you want your children who are learning at home to return for on-campus learning next year. That’s what I thought.

April 11, 2021
Online Schools Are Here to Stay, Even After the Pandemic
Rory Levin, a sixth grader in Bloomington, Minn., used to hate going to school. He has a health condition that often makes him feel apprehensive around other students.
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February 23, 2021
Statewide virtual schools keep students with disabilities connected
Statewide virtual schools may be an option for students with disabilities to access and benefit from their educational program even after schools reopen nationwide.
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